Recommended for:
- Shrimp
- Poultry
- Swine
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Mixture of Tannins, Humic Acids and Essential Oils, which improve digestibility and survival. The product has bacteriostatic and anti-parasitic properties. Apply during feed manufacture at a rate of 5 kg per MT as preventive and 10 kg per MT of feed as curative.
Store in a ventilated, dry and pest free place. This product expires 2 years from the date of manufacture. The feeding program is only effective if proper management practices are followed.
Common name | Actual % per ingredient |
Humic Acids | 70.0% |
Quebracho tannins | 20.0% |
Essential oils | 5.0% |
Vermiculite | 5.0% |
SFF Endurance Premix® A registered product of South Florida Farming. All rights reserved 2021.