Recommended for:
- Fish
- Shrimp
- Poultry
- Swine
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SFF IG Premix® is a blend of 100% pure essential oils that guarantee a minimum of 85% of the active product, with bacteriostatic, fungicidal, viricidal and stimulant properties to be incorporated into the feed.
Essential oils are important aromatic components of herbs and spices, and are used as natural alternatives to replace antibiotics that promote growth and enhancer of productive parameters in laying birds, broilers and pigs, and more. The results obtained with the use of essential oils and other natural products as performance enhancers are of high importance in animal production.
• Antimicrobial, antifungal, antiparasitic and antiviral properties.
• Natural growth promoter.
• They stimulate appetite.
• Many essential oils stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms and limit the number of pathogenic bacteria in poultry and pigs.
• Improvement of the secretion of enzymes related to the digestion of food.
• Improves the activation of the immune response.
• Clear effectiveness in the control of Salmonella.
• Effective against gastrointestinal parasitism.
•Oregano and thymol oil have anticoccidial action against E. Tenella and Eimeria spp mixta.
Name | Concentratión % | Active Product |
Oregano oil | 25% | Carvacrol |
Thymol oil | 25% | Thymol |
Cinnamon oil | 25% | Cinamaldehyde |
Clove oil | 25% | Eugenol |
SFF Probiotics EQ Plus® at a dose of:
Poultry and pigs 250 to 500 mL, curative 1 Liter per TM
Shrimp and fish 1 Liter healing up to 3 Liters per TM.
A homogeneous mixture should be made.
It can be used in pelletized feed.
To be managed throughout the production cycle.
Being natural products do not have times in retirement periods.
Being natural products, they do not leave residues in meat or eggs.
2.5 gallon (9.77 lts) container
Sanitary Registration Ecuador: SCI-R002573
Wharehouse Registration: BIA-8077
Made in the United States with SFSF Certified System (Safe Feed Safe Food) |