Recommended for:
- Fish
- Shrimp
- Poultry
- Swine
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SFF Zyme EQ Premix is a mixture of enzymes that work by helping the digestibility and immune system of the body. The composition of this mixture is designed to act specifically on complex carbohydrate polymers such as celluloses, hemicelluloses, pectins, and glucomannans, which interfere with the normal digestion of the animal in culture. The enzymes will convert these non-degradable polymers into simple carbohydrates that serve as an energy source. Additionally, Phytase influences phytic acids causing indigestible organic phosphate to become digestible inorganic phosphate.
Ingredients | Unit/mL |
Phytase | 15,000 PU |
ß-Mannase | 10,000 Mann |
Pectinase | 10,000 AJDU |
Xylanase | 15,000 XU |
Cellulase | 10,000 CU |
B-Mannase 50,000 UI/kg | 5,000 GU |
ß-Glucanase | 5,000 B |